Monday, April 28, 2008

Day: 4/27/08

If you live in the Southern part of the United States, then this topic is something you probably know more about than you cared to: Mosquitos!

Yes, those pesky, biting, pain in my arse creatures that leaves one wondering just what in the name of all that is Holy was somebody or something thinking when they let this blood-sucking parasite of a creature come into existance. What plague these creatures are on all things that walk! I only happen to bring these pests to light as I was outside this night and noticed just how many of them there were hovering in the light, on the wall, on the floor, on the ceiling, I thought I was at a vampire conference or something. Being myself, I proceeded to reduce the gross population of mosquitos to a more manageable number that decided it was safer elsewhere for the moment and left my immediate line of sight. 30-0, my favor!

So I was left wondering, besides squishing these beasts into oblivion, was there a cleaner, more sanitary, and 'green' way of doing this? I needed information! OFF TO THE INTERNET, CHARGE!

As is custom, my first stop was A quick search for mosquito and viola! Information! I am so happy. :)

Well, it turns out aside from being a plague upon all that is alive and blood-carrying, they are also a natural disease carrier and a bugger to kill. I did learn, what most mosquito ridden people know, that while standing water is most often the place of choice for breeding of mosquitos, it is new to me that in order to be able to lay eggs, the female MUST feed on blood.

Now interesting enough, mosquitos are actually not primarily blood-feeders, they actually can survive on the nectar of flowers and such. Only when a female wants to lay eggs is the blood required. Now I knew, but for those that did not, the male mosquito does not feed on blood, ever. They do not have the equipment for it. There is also a LOT of study going on regarding the saliva injected by the female mosquito during feeding as to just how this stuff works. It is truly a coctail of 'stuff' from Mother Nature's kitchen. Anti-coagulants, immune response inhibitors, and various other proteins, acids, and what-not are just some of the ingredients.

Now when it comes to killing these bugs, there are a few options. Squishing is satisfying if you just got bit, but messy. Poisons can be delivered either against the larvae or the adults, both of which require different spray types to get to them. Or, there are a few plants, such as Venus Fly Traps that may eat them.

There is also a lot of rumor and old-wives tales around how to protect yourself from mosquitos. Much of this lore has been proven false, or mediocre in their effectiveness. So far, the science of the matter seems to agree that DEET is the best way to protect yourself from the bite.

Well, end of my lecture, if you want to know more, well, I don't think I would be the best to ask. :)

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