Monday, February 4, 2008

Day: 2/3/08

Having taken up the path of Chaos Magick, I have found chaos in my life in many strange ways. I do have to note, that I have to remind myself that just because I have an energy to call upon for help, does not mean to call on it every second of every day. I mention this because I have on occassion called upon Chaos to help me in some way that I probably should be doing on my own. Or, that it was something that if I had done it right the first time, then I wouldn't have to be in a situation where I needed help with it.

Chaos has come unbidden at times too. I was wasting time on the internet this day, and I had a sudden urge to explore mathmatical equations. This in turn sent me searching for physics equations, and that ultimately to the physics of the galaxy. That search lead me to "the physics of Super Mario Galaxy" (honestly, it's really been done, this is just one of the links for it). Who would have thought that I could absorb myself in the reading of this article that is nearly ubergeek-dom (yes, I am still something of a geek myself, so don't hate me for such a comment).

I digress here to make a note that apparently I am making some progress on my personal growth. That I could focus my entire attention into this article, is a step in the right direction. Attention is said in some systems to be the base of all that we do, the better you can pay attention, the better you will live. Or something like that. :)

For a quiet (or as quiet as a day can get with a 2 year old in the house) Sunday, it was rather uneventful, and that is just ok with me :)

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