Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day: 1/24/08

This day appeared to begin as any typical day for me. There was a brief bright spot, as a couple of suggestions/ideas proposed to upper management received some notice after a number of days of no word regarding them. Things are moving forward, it would appear. The rest of the first part of the day was relatively uneventful.
The second job held new (old hat) surprises in that one person called in sick for my shift, another was scheduled to leave early, and I was to work with one of the lazier individuals I have to spend the work hours with. Not looking promising as we had additional time consuming work slated for us tonight. Well, apparently no one could read the schedule correctly, and the person who they thought had to leave early actually had to stay the whole shift. A busy night for us, but nothing that couldn't be handled with some skill. At the end of the shift, the next crew came in and lo-and-behold, our time consuming work was only half done because we didn't know we had to do the other half. Almost a typical Thursday night.
Home is quiet, lots of phone calls I am told, but nothing major.

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