Monday, November 10, 2008

Dream: 10/30/08

Dream: 10/30/08

Had a dream again last night/this morning. Very story like in its nature, but I remember so very little of it from waking.
I know there were children in it. Like they had some purpose born unto them.
There were violent animals and I believe even a child from a different dimension that I wrestled with.
As seems to be the case lately. I was in a defensive state, but I was an aggressive stance.
It was like the children of each dimension were born at the same time'ish, but had to cross into the opposite dimension to complete some task to dictate which dimension controlled.
My dimension was apparently ahead of the game, since the 'alien' child was still in it's dimension and my children I was guarding were in the 'alien' dimension with me.
I remember the animals being violent 'cause I remember swinging down from a catwalk like structure onto a lower level and seeing, I think rhinos, rampaging beneath.
The 'alien' child had glowing yellow eyes. But I believe it was stronger than it looked. I think I recall having to drag it to the floor to restrain it.
There were two children with me that I was 'escorting'. A boy and girl I think.
The atmosphere of the dream was very war-time'ish. Very uneasy and strained feeling.

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