Monday, November 10, 2008

Dream: 10/26/08

Dream: 10/26/08

I was leaving Walgreen’s late after work at night. As I walked the parking lot towards my car, I saw a middle-aged, black woman in the lot as well. She was dirty and very unkempt, but was moving around and generally otherwise well. When I noticed her my defensive alarms came on and I kept one eye on her as I moved closer to the car. She had apparently noticed me as well but did not make any move directly towards me. As she moved toward the store side of the lot, I extended my step and reached my car quickly. I quickly entered the car and locked the door as I closed it. Just as the door slammed shut, the woman was at my door trying to open it. I gave her a quick look and loudly said, “F*** YOU.”

I awoke

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