Monday, March 17, 2008

Day: 3/16/08

Today was a day of family and friends. We started the day by having one of our friends drop off her son for a few hours while she went to work. This is a good thing, as it gives my son someone his own age to play with. I admit that he is not often able to have time with those of his age group in that my neighborhood is mostly older couples whose grandchildren are all older than him. I can not, at the moment, afford for him to attend a day care where he could spend more time with children, so we take what time we can get with him and the children of our friends. Granted, now that we have had three kids in the house, my son's room looks like a dozen tonadoes hit it, but what can you expect of a couple of two year olds? :)

Once we were minus the extra child, we piled in the car and headed to my mom's house to use her washer and dryer since I have yet to replace ours. We spent a good hour there, before other responsibilities called us elsewhere. We had hoped to return here later, but events would prove that to not be the case.

After taking care of a few other issues in life, we drop off my girlfriends daughter at her house and return to town. On the return trip, before we were to return to my mom's we had a delivery to make. Turns out, that the delivery turned into a chat session and three hours later, we realized what time it was and decided that it was better to return home than to try to go anywhere else. Sorry hon, we'll get you some crawfish soon, promise. :)

For the greater part of the night, I spent it on the internet working through pages of appliances trying to find the best deal on a new washing machine. I found one for about $260 that is made by Maytag (even though it doesn't say it is a Maytag). I hope that the store has one in stock, I don't really want to have to clear $300 before tax. Here's to hoping.

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