This site is what I refer to:
This site is a Protestant Christian bulletin board system. If you were ever curious about this branch of Christianity, I would have you read here as these individuals are very devout and versed in their particular branch of religion. If you should fancy to post in this forum, I highly stress that you read and take time to understand the many and varied rules to accompany such a decision. This is triplely so for those not of their religion.
Now, many would ask themselves why a learning Chaos mage would even bother to venture into such a den of religious belief. Honestly, I don't know. For the moment, I would but chronicle what has transpired since my arrival within the scope of my knowledge in some hope that maybe I will have such an answer.
On my first day, I spent much time debating with myself as to why I should proceed into this forum to begin with. As I don't know expressly why I was sent along this line, I figured that I could at least entertain the idea and, if nothing more, learn more about this particular faith. From experience I know that trying to read a board of this size without being a member is a lesson in futility. Being registered allows read discussions to be marked in a different manner than those that have not, so it is only logical to have that benefit if nothing else.
So, I go and create my userid, and start in on the rules and regulations. Honestly, I have not frequented a board where there are so many rules regarding the usage of the board. There are even special rules directed to those not of their faith. In regard to these rules, I am kind of dismayed that if I label myself as non-Christian, my access will be severly limited in the manner I may discuss faith or lack there of. For the most part, my access is restricted to a select few pieces of the board that I may post freely to (or near freely to) and all the rest I may read only. This is all done on the basis of their prior experience with members of other faiths, so I know where they are coming from on many things, while I hold a firm disagreement with other items. As it is said though, "their board, their rules, like 'em or leave".
After jumping here and there around the board for a few hours, I decide the best way to get things going was to introduce myself. Simple enough I would think. I do my quick introduction, and I figure I may get a hello or two, but am not expecting a grand fanfare for my appearance, perhaps a little panic, but nothing major. :) Needless to say, I was quite shocked to find more than just simple hellos aimed my way. Do not take that the wrong way, I have not been attacked in any manner, but other issues did arise that I will get into that in a moment. I had not fully considered the effect of making mention of the path of Chaos in my introduction. (Don't you just love how hindsight is 20/20? :) )
It turns out that I become quite the curiosity to some of the members of the board. So much so, that I/we managed to have our messages relocated to another portion of the board (luckily somewhere I still had the ability to post to). Well, it comes that one of the other members presented a question to me and I am put into a quandry. The rules of the board for non-Christians is that we are not permitted to teach or preach our faith or belief. The question regarded that in particular, my beliefs of God, Jesus, the Bible, etc. You see where the problem is. So, I take the issue to a private area and address the moderators on the subject while leaving the question kind of hanging in the air. I guess that got noticed and a second moderator stepped up and moved the previous discussion into the 'secret area' where I was pretty much hidden from the board. Not a big deal mind you, but rather unexpected.
As it all stands now, I am engaged in a private discussion regarding just how to approach questions such as the one presented with moderators. I have done my utmost to adhere to their rules and honor their requests and they have tried to assure me that I am in not any particular level of trouble. I have tried to assure them that I am not there for any mischief, especially since I don't know for sure why I am there in the first place. Of course, I think Mischief likes my butt or something about me because it has the tendency to follow me around. I don't typically try to start it, it just kind of does it on its own.
On other matters, there really aren't any. This issue of the Bible board has me pretty occupied in my thoughts. I figure I will eventually either find what I'm looking for here, or grow bored of the whole thing and wander off somewhere else. Chaos can be confusing sometimes. :)
ADDENDUM (3/14/08): At this last hour, it would appear to me that I have been 'attacked' in a way and placed in a position where I felt the need to defend myself from messages that felt demanding and near threatening. I expressed my feelings in a response, answered one question demanded of me, and took my leave with the explanation that I may or may not return to continue any further dialogue.
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