Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day: 2/9/08

While at work, I found myself musing over an odd subject. IF one product is supposedly better than any others, then WHY are there a million and one types of it? Sprays, creams, lotions, gels, ovules, spray gels, spray creams, etc. I can understand why there are normally different brands, but for one brand to have one product in 30 different varieties (and I'm not just meaning flavors, colors, or smells)? How many options does a person need? Certainly different people are more comfortable using a 'tried and true' method, but when a way comes along that is better and more effective, why continue with the old stand-by?

I figure that a lot of it has to do with a person's comfort level with a product. They know it works the way it is, so why bother changing? Certainly, I can say that I have been such a person in the past and sometimes too in the present. Perhaps some of it is a fear. A fear that they don't know how to use the product or that it may be different in some significant way and it won't work as well. Some may just have heard some rumor or story from someone's brother's aunt's uncle's former roommate that the new way is wrong or bad in some way.

I can even understand there being different 'strengths' to a product. Regular, extra strength, maximum strength, ultimate stupendous marvelous strength. Ok, certainly different people need different levels of strength, no argument there. Flavors too I can understand, not everyone likes pistachio mocha banana flavor. Color as well, no argument, I don't think I would look good wearing polka-dot stripes.

Getting off my rant, I do need to remind myself of something that occurred on the Friday before, 2/8/08. An old friend told me that an old spirit that use to stay with me had been sighted again. For near a year he has been around, but my friend only felt comfortable saying something to me about it until now so that she could be sure it was him.

This is really an interesting revelation, in that before now, he had not been sighted but every couple of years or so. That suddenly there would be a resurgence of his appearances is testimony to something possibly having happened to draw him back to our circle of friends. At the moment, I do not know what this event could have been, but there are people looking in to it.

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